Hello, welcome to my blog. Seeing as this is my first post I was going to explain to you all what this blog is going to be about, and how it is going to work. But first things first, the title of this blog post reminded me of a song, you should all check it out it's quite catchy. Let's Get it Started-Black Eyed Peas, great, and catchy song.
Moving on, my blog posts are going to be about different events that occur in my life, every week I will talk about two real events that occurred, and one I will make up. The goal is to be correct about which one I'm lying about. Feel free to comment, and guess which event you believe is going to be false. For your convenience, I will BOLD the certain names of events to make it more simple for you to communicate which event you think is false.
Just to forwarn you all, my english skills are mediocre at best but I will put forth full effort to make my posts readable and enjoyable! Enjoy!
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