My TA was actually bashing professors, and I am a member of the Boiler Gold Rush team!

Which leaves the only lie to be about my roommate. My roommate isn't terrible but we have minor clashes here and there. Does anyone have any terrible roommate stories? I always enjoy those. I've heard alot of bad vomit stories, one of my friends had a roommate who came home from a party late at night vomited all over my friend's rug... glad my roommate doesn't do that at least!
That makes the score of our truth guessing at: Clairpet:4, kah:2, Zebra Lady:1, Guy McGee:1, Foozboba:2, Play Vivace:1, and bella:1
Nice work! Possibly I'll make an end of the year prize, possibly we'll see. I just noticed that when I redesigned my blog I somehow managed to find a way to drop the color of my hyperlinks to the same color as my text. Sorry about that, I changed them back so they are now more noticeable.
I'm starting to get nervous about my grades for this semester. I had the same thing happen last semester just because after the second tests have gone by I know that all we have left is finals. During high school finals for me were always an epic failure. Looking back upon it I don't believe I ever took a final and actually had it improve my grade.
Inciting fear within me, finals are just a way to make sure that students have mastered the art of cramming. Most normal mortal people forget the things they were taught a half year ago if they haven't applied them to anything. Which is why I usually like to start early because I feel like I'm relearning most of a course in the duration of one month! Oh well I bet it will all work out just fine!