- Frustration
- Exhaustion
- Done
- Finished
The summer is around the bend, the weather is beautiful, despite these factors the blogger is currently sitting inside in front of their computer attempting to cram something interesting inside of this blog while my mind is some far away destination. This destination being outside in the beautiful weather spending time with his friends. To the most utter unfortune though I am inside writing this piece of bloggage for my audience; a captivating work of the insights of the blogger's mind!
This week I am going to fray away from the two truths and one lie that may have made me a enjoyable read. Why? Because first of all I can :) and second of all I don't feel like attempting to lie this week. Although, I am a fantastic liar nonetheless.
I have found that due to my lying "skills" I often find myself in awful predicaments. Categorizing myself as a good person I don't lie very often and try not to at all. But sometimes I find myself lying about trivial things. I'll place blame on my Mother for that one, due to the fact that when I was younger I always avoided getting in trouble by lying. It's a terrible tendency that I need to rid myself of.
Summer is right around the bend, the only obstacle in my way is the next two weeks. I figure that if I make it through finals alive and still have some hair left from all the stress that I'll be fine. I'm attempting to make it into the 3+2 program here at Purdue University. The 3+2 program is an insanely difficult program to get into, and it reduces the number of years I will ideally be here by one. One year is quite a bit of money in the work world if you think about it! Anyways, the 3+2 program is where students earn their undergraduate degree in the first three years of college and then earn their MBA in the following two years. It's an amazing opportunity and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this semester ends as well as my last one did.
Due to my aspirations to become part of this program the additive pressure is starting to get to me, it's a big deal when you can save yourself quite a bit of money by getting out of college a year early. Just thinking about it makes me nervous, and hopefully in two weeks I'll be able to pull through and do well enough to meet the criteria.
Thank you all for reading my blog! I hope all of you do well on your finals, and have a very enjoyable spring break.