Which makes the score: Claripet:2 Everyone else in the whole world who is reading this:0. That's alright better luck next time everyone!
In the upcoming week, the main section of my blog is recieving a slight renovation,I will either be bulleting, numbering, or inserting horizontal breaks to distinctly show where one story ends and another begins. Sadly I don't know how to insert a horizontal break, so if anyone wants to give me directions I can do that. But, let's take a vote and whichever one wins I will use that format style
SO VOTE! Bullets? Numbers? or Horizontal Breaks?
Ahhh Democracy at work.

Big news, Blink-182 appeared at the Grammy's last night. It was epic. Being a huge Blink fan myself, the moment brought tears to my eyes. I have been listening to the trio for so long I can't remeber a moment in my life without them. It's great that Tom Delonge decided that he wanted to finally get back to making amazing music. Finally, the world is back to normal.
Ever since the big news I have done nothing but listen to Blink-182, it is a very very exciting time for music at least in my interests. Two of my favorite bands Blink-182, and Angels & Airwaves are coming out with new CDs this year. Rumor also has it that Green Day may be coming out with a new album, who are also in my top 10 of favorite artists.
Horizontal breaks!!! WHOO!