My dad got a new car last week. He use to drive a 2004 Mitsubishi Eclipse, it was a baby blue color. Not a good color for a man who is six feet tall, and well over 200 pounds. Well for that fact a baby blue car isn't a good color for any man. He purchased himself a black 2007 Corvette.

When I heard this I was ecstatic, Corvettes are by far my favorite type of car. I'm going home next weekend just to try to see if I can convince him to let me drive it some. I doubt that it will work, I could barely convince my dad to let me drive his old car. Wish me luck; I'll let you all know how that goes.
This last weekend was by far one of the best weekends I've had at college. I'm really good friends with alot of the guys on my floor. One of my friends on the floor is this young Asian lad he's one of those people who are extremely pure about everything in life. He grew up in a very protective household, and it's quite easy to tell. He never stays out very late, always studies, and doesn't really enjoy life. We'll call him "Bill" for this story's sake.
We took advantage of the fact that one of my other friends has a car at Purdue. Last Saturday we began the evening by cruising around thinking about what we should do, and then we came up with a great idea. We were going to go to the Adult Fantasy Shop and purchase Bill something so then maybe he would loosen up a little more about life.
It was quite a funny experience because we get into the Adult Fantasy Shop and one of my friends had forgotten his state ID but, lucky for us the man operating the counter was kind enough to allow him in anyways. We found what we wanted to get him and checked out. The cashier was probably one of the nicest cashiers I've ever spoken to, he forewarned us that because there was a bar nearby to watch out for cops.
On the ride home we did see a cop. Luckily, being the good citizens we are, we were following all of the laws! During the ride home we discussed good options for how to present Bill with his gift. We decided that we were going to hide it in one of our jackets and he would have to guess, while one of my friends videotaped the experience.
We got back to the dorm and Bill didn't have very much luck guessing, he didn't guess the right person until they were the last option. When we presented Bill with his gift he was the happiest I've seen him. He was actually probably the happiest he's ever been.
My friends and I have watched the video of presentation again, and seeing how glad he was made me happy. It was by far one of the funniest moments of my life.
Ever since coming to college, I have stopped watching as much TV as I use to. But one show that I always watch still is LOST it is in my opinion the best show on television. My favorite thing about LOST is the deepness of the characters. If you've ever seen LOST you would notice that the flashbacks and flash forwards that have come to be a major part of LOST usually increases our knowledge about the characters.
Another part that I really like about LOST is how intensely deep it is. Unfortunately, if you began to watch the show now you would be lost without knowing what happened in the past. The plot line twists and turns and always seems to throw a wrench in what you think may be occurring in the show. I really enjoy that part because it keeps you always on your toes, and thinking.
So was I falsifying about: Corvette, last weekend, or LOST?
Currently Listening to: "Walking Disaster" by Sum 41.
I really like like the whole idea behind your blogs. I think it's very creative. I know I never would have thought of doing something like this. I do like the way you broke up your separate stories. I feel it makes it easier to read. As for this week I'm really not sure which is the lie. You do such a good job with each story it's hard to tell which one you didn't actually experience. I would have to guess that the Adult Fantasy story is the lie, but honestly I have no idea.